Thanks for listening to my presentation and for taking the time to check out this page!

You're on your way to making your workplace (and beyond) a more inclusive and welcoming space for all individuals! That is HUGE!

You may be wondering - "Now what?"

I'm here to tell you that there's still work to do. I know, I know. More work?

YES! Always!

Below, I've included some important resources to further your knowledge about gender issues and inclusivity.


Glossary of terms related to inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (

Recognizing and Responding to Microaggressions at Work (

Allyship: Why It’s The Top Skill Set Of 2024 - People Managing People

Is it Meaningful Action, or Is it Virtue Signaling? | Time



 If you have any questions, you can message me by clicking here.

Thanks and I look forward to connecting with you!
